A Write Every Day Q&A

RamonaGravitarThis past weekend I offered a workshop on How to Find and Use a Writing Hour. I’ve been banging the Writing Hour drum for a while now, with no plans to stop. This is another drum-banging post.

Why do I promote the one hour a day plan so strenuously?

Continue reading “A Write Every Day Q&A”

10 Questions on Becoming a Better Writer

RamonaGravitarThe first step in solving a problem is recognizing you have a problem. Writers are often big quaking masses of insecurity, but zeroing in on a weak skill can be that first step in enacting change.

Take the quiz below. Answer honestly.

Continue reading “10 Questions on Becoming a Better Writer”

How to Recognize Material

RamonaGravitarTomorrow, June 4, the “Flame of Hope” begins its journey across Delaware in the 28th  Law Enforcement Torch Run. Over three days, 500 or so Delaware police officers will run the torch from the bandstand at Rehoboth Beach to the opening ceremony of the Summer Games of the Special Olympics at UD.

Continue reading “How to Recognize Material”

How to Use a Sprint Journal

RamonaGravitarLike many writers, I keep a notebook called a book bible. The book bible for my current WIP, a novel written in the episodic style, is a beat-up, bright green notebook with fraying pages, a precarious spiral spine, and an array of Post-its in various shapes and colors poking from the edges.journals

A book bible is used to record ideas, changes, concepts, goals, for a work in progress. It’s a planning aid. This post, however, is not about book bibles; I am introducing the book bible idea to get it out of the way. What I want to discuss today is my Sprint Journal.

Continue reading “How to Use a Sprint Journal”

How to Make the Most of a Writing Hour

RamonaGravitarIn October, I participated in a workshop series at the Havre de Grace, MD, public library on preparing for NaNoWriMo. A month of intense writing with a high word count goal can’t be undertaken willy-nilly. My talk covered the range from psychological pep talks, the mid-month slump, and learning to love your crock pot.

Writing for an hour a day may not require the extremes of November, but if you are carving out a new hour in your day, your daily schedule will shift. If you have the hour available without much pain to the rest of your life, great. Either way, today’s post will address how to best use the hour once you’ve found it.

Continue reading “How to Make the Most of a Writing Hour”

How to Write an Hour at a Time

RamonaGravitarAt the Pennwriters Conference this past weekend, I gave a workshop on a writing challenge called Sprinting. To Sprint, a writer shuts off all distractions and writes without interruption for an hour. The goal is to get down 1,000 new words in an hour.

Sprinting is simple and hardly enough content for a one hour workshop. Finding an hour a day to write, and incorporating it into an otherwise busy life, may not be so simple. Also complicated is how to make the most effective use of a writing hour. Those—finding an hour and using the hour—will make up the content of this mini blog series. Here’s the schedule:

Continue reading “How to Write an Hour at a Time”

I Just Wanted You to Know

I didn’t notice the man until he pulled out a chair at my library table. It was meant to seat four but I’d spread out my laptop and bag, stacked some books and opened a notebook to show I was Working. It was a quiet weekday morning, and there were lots of empty carrels. No one had any reason to sit with me.

This man did.  I looked up, surprised. I didn’t recognize him but he said hello. He was holding a book, which he set in front of him as he sat. He didn’t open the book. I looked at it and was surprised again. The man’s hands were shaking.

“Ramona?” he said. “You’re Ramona, aren’t you?”

Oh. He knew me. That was a relief. He wasn’t a weirdo. He was tall and dark-haired, early 30s maybe, but he wasn’t smiling as you do when you greet someone you know, and his hands now clutched the book as if he was  nervous.

I smiled and said, “Yes, I’m Ramona,” in an appropriately quiet voice while my thoughts shifted to the possible places I’d have encountered him.

“You don’t know me,” he said, before I could fumble out an awkward “Who are you again?”

“I was at the Deer Park last weekend, for the Edgar Allan Poe event,” he said. “You read a poem.”

Another oh. It wasn’t a poem, actually, it was micro-fiction piece.  144 words, with pacing that could be mistaken for a poem when read aloud. Which I had done. Me and a dozen plus other writers, at an annual local event honoring a famous American author. The place was full of Edgar Allan Poe fans. Before reading, I’d had a couple of glasses of wine. I couldn’t remember every person there.

“It was a fun event,” I said, diplomatically, still wondering why he’d approached me. And why was he nervous?

“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your piece,” he said.

Wow. What a lovely thing to say.  “Thank you! That’s so nice of you,” I said, genuinely touched, though still a bit mystified. Maybe he was a poet himself, and too shy to get up and read at the open mic. Was he looking for encouragement? I could do that. I’d be happy to do that. “Are you a poet?”

He said yes, but that was all, his face both open and inscrutable.  I found myself clutching the edge of my laptop the same way he was clutching his book. Something else was happening here, a something else I seemed to be part of, but didn’t understand. I waited.

“I have a two-year old,” he said, the words coming out in a rush. “My wife stays home with him. For months she’s been saying how lonely she is when I’m at work. I never really understood what she meant until I heard you read ‘Countdown’.”

“Countdown” was my poem that wasn’t a poem.

“I went home and thought about it all night. I told my wife about it. I said I’d try to get home earlier and be more understanding.”

 He loosened his death grip on the book and put his hands on top of it.  They’d stopped shaking, I noticed. I also noticed that he smiled. Just a little one, and maybe it was a little sad, but it was a smile. He cocked his head toward the chairs under the window. “I sat over there for five minutes, staring at you, trying to work up the courage to tell you. I hope you don’t think it’s weird.”

“No,” I said. Weird? It was the biggest compliment I’d ever received, the biggest I could imagine.  “I don’t think it’s weird. I can’t tell you how touched I am.”

He stood up. “I just wanted you to know,” he said, and now he seemed a little embarrassed. He said goodbye and left before I could ask his name or more about his work, or if I’d see him again at the next open mic.

That was sometime in 2008. I never saw this man again. When I think of him, I call him Joshua. No particular reason. He just looked like a Joshua.

“Countdown” was about one day in a young mother’s life, when her isolation feels overwhelming. I wrote it in a single morning, sitting at my dining room table, and I was mostly excited about the word count. I tend to babble on. Writing a full story in 144 words was exciting! I read it at the Poe event, never suspecting that in the audience was a young father who’d hear it and recognize something about himself.

I wonder if he has any idea how much our two minute conversation moved me, and continues to, six years later.

People write for different reasons. Too often I heard writers say their book is not great art, or it’s just a story to entertain, or they don’t write literature. I don’t know that anything I’ve written is great art, or wildly entertaining, or literature, but something you write may touch another person. That’s a gift. If that person tells you, that’s a greater gift.

Joshua, wherever and whoever you are, I have never forgotten you. When I write, you are the imaginary person I write for, no matter the subject. I hope your child is healthy, and you and your wife are happy. Because of what you did for me, whenever a piece of writing moves me, I try to tell the author.

Has someone ever given you a compliment that felt more like a gift than a piece of praise? Has a piece of writing moved you? Did you tell the author?


 PS – “Countdown” was published by the Wilmington News Journal in 2013, to promote the Newark Arts Alliance’s Open Mic. You can read it here.