How To Collection

Below is an ever-growing collection of How To posts for writers. Help yourself and learn How To…

…Write People in Love

Write a Protagonist of Interest

…Recognize Material

Use a Sprint Journal

Make the Most of a Writing Hour

Write an Hour at a Time

Annoy at Literary Agent

Revise in Three Steps, part 3

Revise in Three Steps, part 2

….Revise a Manuscript in Three Steps

Prepare for a Month of Intense Writing

Test a Character’s Character

DIY a Dedicated Writing Month

Avoid Typo Blindness

Write a Themed Story

Punctuate Titles in a Manuscript

Tame an Open Mic


Cite Writing Credentials (when you have none)

Tell—Flashback or Memory?

Use Transitions to Trim Word Count

Kick the THAT Habit

Scale the 100 Page Wall

Stop Stalling

Prepare for a Writers Conference

Choose Strong Verbs

Run a Free Write

Avoid Overpopulation, part 1

Avoid Overpopulation, part 2

Write a World Changer

Write an Episodic Story

Use an Ellipsis Versus a Dash

Follow Up a Writers Conference

Give a Public Reading

Write an Artist Statement


Avoid Talking Heads

Show, Not Tell

Write an Author Bio (short)

Lower Your Word Count

Lead a Reader

Avoid Redundancy

Write a Reaction

Write a Dialogue Tag

Stay in POV

Not Get Published

Write a Thematic Statement

Write a Story Question

Write a Log Line

Be—or Not to Be—An Active Writer