
I am happy to be joining the board of directors of the Delaware Literary Connection as a Member-at-Large.

The DLC is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the literary arts in Delaware.  Membership includes poets, novelists, short story writers, essayists, journalists, video producers and those who just enjoy writing and want exposure to it.

The DLC promotes the literary arts and literary artists through events, conferences and workshops. For the past three years, the DLC has sponsored a Fall reading to honor a well-known American artist and to allow local writers to share their work via an open mic session. In 2008, the event was “Channeling Poe” to salute Edgar Allan Poe. In 2009, it was “Cooling it with Kerouac: A Beat Generation reading.”

This year’s reading is “Sing the Body Electric: A Reading to Celebrate Walt Whitman.” It will be held on Saturday, October 30, 2010 at the Deer Park Tavern in Newark, from 4-7:30 p.m.  Writers are invited to attend and participate in the open mic following the program.

I am pleased and honored to join the DLC board and look forward to a fun and fruitful partnership.

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